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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Scrappy Things ~

Sorry to tell you late but I'm a LPS now (Lembaga Pusat Sumber- Librarian)
I'm just a probay but I lost Shee Zhe's probational tag before I get mine...So bad
Jasmine and Amanda Ng are those who tick our attendance.
I think Jasmine is in charge of Form2 but I got it wrong with Amanda..... So Sad and So Sweat

On my way to find some projek in a rack, I found some books .. actually not books..it is just some projeck, all about GHOSTZZ
That make me scary and scrappy when I saw those books 
But, I hope THE GOD BLESS me not to encounter those things....................

If you  got any comment, go ahead

SYS - See You Soon
By : FT

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