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Friday, May 22, 2009

Shem learn dancing

Shem is interested in dancing lately.
Today, we have a "yu fo hui" that means a festival of Wesak Day.
Shem made a wish at there and the wish is he will achieve in 3 ways.
             That is exam
     fighting skill
and not least but last, his dancing 

He just shake and show up his bottom part of body and everyone laugh.
Before the "yu fo hui", 
I've got a meeting "AGUNG" at the LPS.
Our top just keep scolding and scolding, man that make me feel sleepy.
Then, i heard that a Ketua Harian can play the Rubick Cube well.
Her name is Hui Zhi.
Today the van that fetch me home got many LPS people including the probay that is....
Siow Kit Long 

and Hui Zhi (I forgot her surname)

I would like to have a competiton with Hui Zhi, but that Shit Yap Voon Fong keep playing something stupid with her and Alicia.
When Yap Voon Fong arrive at home, she have to go because her destination is near to Voon Fong's house.Then, I have a battle with Law Yong Wai and we have a draw because it is too dark there so we cannot see in order to finish the Cube up!
opps, talk too much today.

By : FT

Friday, May 15, 2009

I don't like new things!

How is the new blogskin?
Is it beautiful?
I think not!   :)
We got a new Sejarah teacher that is very sucks!
Want us to be the teacher
Keep giving us notes
Don't keep us quiet
We got a new timetable that I don't know when and which class should we attend.
Mun Wei doesn't give us to take a look.
Two days passed but she still havn't photostat for us.

I don't like new things, they are very annoying and irritating!
PGC - Please Give Comment

By : FT

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Scrappy Things ~

Sorry to tell you late but I'm a LPS now (Lembaga Pusat Sumber- Librarian)
I'm just a probay but I lost Shee Zhe's probational tag before I get mine...So bad
Jasmine and Amanda Ng are those who tick our attendance.
I think Jasmine is in charge of Form2 but I got it wrong with Amanda..... So Sad and So Sweat

On my way to find some projek in a rack, I found some books .. actually not books..it is just some projeck, all about GHOSTZZ
That make me scary and scrappy when I saw those books 
But, I hope THE GOD BLESS me not to encounter those things....................

If you  got any comment, go ahead

SYS - See You Soon
By : FT